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Repository for bioinformatics training at the Norwegian Veterinary Institute


This webpage contains information from outgoing messages, such as homework, practical information, etc.

The information here is organized in reverse chronological order.

Information that will not be included:

2017-12-01 Homework

2017-12-14 Homework

  1. Remember that you are working with paired end data (Change SE to PE).
  2. There are two input files and four output files.
  3. Use TruSeq3-PE-2.fa instead of TruSeq3-SE.fa since we are dealing with paired end reads.
  4. Change MINLEN parameter to 36.
  5. Use appropriate value for CROP (check the fastqc output for raw reads and use the correct value).
  6. Also, remember to change #SBATCH –mem-per-cpu=4Gb to #SBATCH –mem-per-cpu=12Gb. This is a bigger job and needs more memory (12Gb instead of 4Gb).